Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Harper's Globe - Soundtrack Now Available!

The original score to the CBS/Eqal Internet series, Harper's Globe, is now available for download on iTunes, Amazon, EMusic and Napster. It includes 4 of the complete extended themes and incorporates everything from guitar effects to digitally altered fire sounds. I highly encourage you to listen with headphones for the full experience. There is a sample track of the Dangerous Wreck Theme in the audio player to the right. I hope you enjoy the music!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Battlestar Galactica movie - THE PLAN

I recently finished composing on the upcoming Battlestar Galactica movie, The Plan. It was directed by none other than Edward James Olmos himself. I will be posting some of the more intense pieces of music on the media player (to the right) very soon after the mixing/mastering is complete. All in all, it was a wonderful experience and the opening sequence alone is worth the price of admission (or DVD rental). I don't want to give away spoilers, but it is pretty epic.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hello everyone, welcome to the new "Brandon Roberts Music" website courtesy of Camron Carrier. He did an amazing job and my thanks go out to him. 

Throughout the course of this blog, I will be continually updating information and news regarding recent scores I have composed, upcoming projects, and any other items that might be of interest. I will also be including new audio clips of recent pieces I have written as well as photos from recording sessions, etc. I hope you check it out and enjoy it! All the best...